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Push Pull Matters(2023)
a dance performance project with tools, body and structure
Premier: August 24th-26th in Bergen, at Norges Fiskerimuseum

Skjerm Davvi-04233.JPG

Photo: Marthe Nyvoll

Video: Eivind Kåset

Push Pull Matters is a dance performance with objects such as ropes and sticks. The project departed from the fact that a woodworking plane are used by pulling in Japan, but by pushing in Norway (and most of other countries). The research on tools and relation between body and tools took place in Japan and Norway for over two years, and after creation in Norway, the project premiered at Norges Fiskerimuseum (Norwegian Fishery Museum) in Bergen, Norway, in August 2023.

The audience will witness dancers exploring the relations between body and object by dancing in unison with ropes, sticks and nets, and assembling and disassembling structures. Dancers from different cultural backgrounds dance with the structure and it is consequently processed, dismantled, and respectfully misused in an attempt to discover a new relations between body and objects.


Choreography and Scenic construction: Yohei Hamada

Creation and performance: Katarina Skår Lisa, Riina Kalmi and Yohei Hamada 

Scenography/Costume design: Olga Regitze
Sound design: John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal

Lighting design: Randiane Sandboe


Dramaturg: Cristian Stefanescu

Scenic advisor: John Audun Hauge


Scenic co-researcher: Masateru Miyazawa

Scenic assistant: Diego Belda
Artistic consultant: Danja Burchard

Research coordinator: Mia Julie Wiland


Producer: Yohei Hamada and Sølvi Katrine Andersen (Bergen Dansesenter)​

Co-produced by BIT Teatergarasjen and Carte Blanche - THE NORWEGIAN NATIONAL COMPANY OF CONTEMPORARY DANCE 


Co-operated by Norges Fiskerimuseum, Bergen Dansesenter - kompetansesenter for dans i Vestland, WRAP, Vitlycke - Centre for Performing Arts and Davvi - Centre for Performing Arts


Supported by Norsk kulturfond, Fond for lyd og bilde, Nordisk Kulturfond, Vestland fylkeskommune, Bergen kommune, FFUK, Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture and Arts Promotion Centre Finland 


2023 08 23 push pull matters dress rehearsal 00041.jpg
2023 08 23 push pull matters dress rehearsal 00013.jpg

Photo: Sasha Azanova

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